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Favorite Products So Far in 2024? Q&A (June 2024)

Favorite Products So Far in 2024? Q&A (June 2024)

Channel Memberships

If You like to join and support the channel channel members get about 7 to eight exclusive videos per month. I reply to all Channel member comments on all videos and channel members also usually get a sneak preview of most of the videos I post. I also give away Channel memberships during the premiere of my qampas.

Discord Giveaways

I have a Discord Ive recently launched where Im chatting with people throughout the day and also giving away two items per week. Unlike the giveaway on my website, which I give away something new on Amazon on my Discord giveaways, I give away things that Ive actually reviewed so theyre slightly used but theyre the ones that appeared in my videos. So all you have to do is join Discord. Theres! No obligation nothing to buy. I dont even ask for email address, just join the Discord theres two giveaways there per week.

Spanish Language Version

There is actually a Spanish language version of this channel. Now it is dubbed, but I do try to make it digestible for people who speak Spanish. So if you know anyone who you think might enjoy this channel in Spanish send them along to freaking reviews in espanol.

Favorite Products So Far in 2024?

Let’s get to the first question. The first question is: someone wants to know my opinion of the Star Wars holiday special now, if youre not familiar with the Star Wars holiday special, it was a complete disaster in 1978.

Favorite Products So Far in 2024? Q&A (June 2024)

In fact, George Lucas said he wants to find every copy and smash it with a sledgehammer, so its worth watching in a complete disastrous way to me its a beautiful disaster, its so bad. Its worth watching whats.

Funny, though, is that that was in 1978. There were three beautiful disasters: in 1978 you had the Star Wars holiday special. You also had kiss me to Phantom of the park, which is a TV movie. It was awful.

I remember watching that one when I as was a kid even as a giz fan, I was embarrassed to watch it and then, of course you also had the sergeant Peppers, Lonely Hearts Club Band movie, which almost ruined the career of Peter Frampton, because it was so Bad, in fact, when I was a teenager, everybody called me Peter fron, because I looked like him.

Favorite TV channels to watch?

The next question asked what channels I like to watch. I dont really watch either reviewers. I guess because I dont really want to affect my my reviews, but I do watch a lot of astronomy and physics. You know Neil deg Tyson Brian Cox lately watching a bunch of old boxing matches just kind of a phase Im going through.

I also go through phases where I I watch those walking videos where people have the point of view walking around different cities. Cities Ive never been to, like I just watched it really cool the other day in Tokyo, so its kind of all over the place.

What do your acquaintances think about your profession?

A lot of my friends think it’s kind of cool, but many of them can’t really relate to it. The time, the research, the production, the nuances of YouTube – I don’t think many of my friends who don’t make videos can really understand what it takes. They might think it’s easy, but they only see the end result. It may look easy on the surface, but behind the scenes, it’s a different story. Some of my friends have even expressed surprise that you can actually make a living doing this.

How much time do you spend researching and preparing prior to recording?

The time spent definitely varies depending on the product. For example, the cooling umbrella review I recently did was very quick – either it works or it doesn’t. However, for something like a frying pan where I have to try out different foods at different temperatures, that can take several days. As for finding products to review, most of them these days come from viewer requests. I also have sessions where I scroll through Amazon, TikTok, or Snapchat to see what’s trending and find interesting things to review.

Do you have an idea of what you want to focus on or do your discoveries occur naturally?

When it comes to planning out my reviews, I usually make a plan, but it never turns out the way I expect. Sometimes, the discoveries occur naturally as I come across unique products or viewer requests that spark my interest. It’s a mix of both structured planning and spontaneous exploration that keeps the content fresh and interesting for my audience.

Favorite Movies

The next person says they want to see me without my beard. Now I haven’t gone beardless in a long time. I guess I can show you some pictures of me over the years without a beard or with less facial hair, but I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be going beardless anytime soon. Unless I absolutely have to, I think the last time I had no beard whatsoever was at least 15 years ago. This next person asked what my favorite movies are. I would say off the top of my head Inception: that’s a great one, AI from back in 2001. Anything by Christopher Nolan, anything by Quentin Tarantino, that’s pretty much my answer as far as guilty pleasures go. I can never get enough of the Back to the Future Trilogy or the vacation movies, so that’s.

Garage Sale Plans

My answer: stonepot waffles asks: when are you going to have a garage sale? I’m probably not going to have a garage sale. When people show up to my house, I used to just give boxes and boxes of stuff away to charity, but now I’m giving all the stuff away on my Discord and there’s no obligation or sign up or anything, just join Discord and enter the contest. There’s not a lot of entry, so there’s a pretty good chance of winning something on there. So that’s my garage sale now, and the price of everything is free.

YouTube Presence

This person asked if you didn’t get into YouTube.

What Would You Ideally be Doing for a Living?

If I had to choose an ideal job, I would probably still be a blogger. Before I started my YouTube channel, I enjoyed writing for multiple websites. It was a different kind of grind compared to YouTube, but I don’t think I would be as happy if I were still struggling as a blogger.

Long Bar in Your Backyard?

As for the Long Bar in my backyard, it is actually used for my solar panel. It is positioned to face South at about a 45-degree angle to maximize sunlight. It serves its purpose well, but it does not help anything escape from the yard as there are several feet of wall surrounding it. Regarding a side channel for Bailey, my pet, she is getting older and I believe I missed the opportunity to create one for her a few years ago.

Excitement vs. Disappointment in Products

When it comes to products, I have experienced both excitement and disappointment. One thing that left me disappointed was the icy slushy maker. It did not meet my expectations at all. On the other hand, the Star Wars toaster, which I had low expectations for, surprised me by exceeding them.


That was a big disappointment. Space pong I thought was going to be fun. It was fun because it was so bad. The Dip and Dots maker that was a major disappointment. It didn’t really make Dipping Dots.

Surprising Finds

As far as surprise goes, just off the top of my head, the illusion humidifier I bought from F below that was kind of cool. I didn’t expect much from that. The double decker Ice Cube, Chade just seemed like something cheap generic thing online. I actually still use it and that cutting board set, even though it’s kind of expensive, I’ve actually found that to be surprisingly useful.

Favorite Ninja Product

Justtin asked what is your favorite ninja product? You reviewed, now that’s hard to decide. I would say the Ninja Foodie. The Never Stick still ranks really high, although in the last 6 months I’ve probably used a Ninja Express Chop more than all the others, so right now this is my current favorite. But ask me in 6 months, I might have a different answer.

Rapid Fire Questions

Two quick questions here, Linda wants to know, boxers or briefs. Boxers are briefs, but I don’t discriminate. And 21 Darker wants to know waffles or pancakes. I’ve got to go with waffles. Not only are they crunchy, but they also have a way of holding the syrup in place instead of just running off the edges. I like pancakes, but I like waffles a little bit better.

Hair Growth Question

Roasted 1 1394 asks if I would grow my hair back.

Favorite Music and Hair

I would not grow my hair back. It abandoned me once Im, not taking it back. I if I did, I would just have like the ring around the. I would look like Mr Burns from The Simpsons. It wouldnt be good. I feel like in the 80s. I kind of used my quote of hair. I had so much of it back then at some point it just kind of ran out. Someone asked what metal bands Ive been listening to lately. I definitely am a metal head, but lately Ive been going through entire discographies of kind of classic bands. I just finished rush. I just finished the Beatles Im, not sure I maybe Pink Floyd is next uh.

Recent Concerts and Live Music

I havent been listening to a lot of a lot of music outside of that, but I did recently see Static X and Seven Dust in concert and Seven Dust is one of the best bands live Ive, seen out there, so I guess thats about it.

Combatting Burnout

This person asked: do you ever get burned out on reviewing items? If, if I find myself getting burned out from the entire process, I usually just try to change things up. I might go from shorter videos to longer videos, sometimes Ill buy a new piece of equipment. I might even film something like a vlog just to mix things up. I might just take a couple days off, so I do have quite a few ways of combating burnout, which I fortunately dont experience.

Starting a Review Channel on YouTube

Too often, this person asked what is your best advice for someone starting a review Channel on YouTube in 2024. My first advice is to give an honest review and try to make it as entertaining and informative, as you can always look for the pros and cons and always try to let some of your personal ity show through and dont be afraid to go off topic once In a while and just talk about things in your life dont, let the know it alls in the comments bother you a good piece of advice. Mr Beast usually gives us to make one small Improvement on every video and over time, youre going to have a much nicer looking in product. If you need any help or advice, feel free to email me or message me on Discord.

Lessons Learned

Now, heres one someone says: what is one thing you wish you knew when you started your channel that you know now back in the early days when I would hit the Camera I wouldnt even bother to clean up my area. If I had like a pile of dishes or a pile of towels or something I would leave them Id probably go back in time and myself that these videos are pretty much online forever and you dont really want to preserve those messes.

Discontinued Products

Nata bunny asked whats a discontinued product that you miss or were surprised to see unavailable. The first thing that comes to mind recently is the rock Palace that was the power station.

Favorite Products of 2024:

One favorite product that stands out to me is the Easy Edge sweeper. This innovative cleaning tool received a lot of positive feedback from consumers and was a popular item on QVC. However, I was disappointed to learn that it has been discontinued along with its knockoff versions. Now, only cheap models can be found on Amazon, which is a letdown for many fans of the product.

Review Highlights:

When asked about my favorite product to review this year, several items come to mind. The Tumblr ice molds, Presto stuffler, and super Cubes were all interesting products that caught my attention. However, none of them really stood out as the best of the year so far. With six more months left in 2024, I hope to come across some solid contenders in the future.

Looking Ahead:

As I reflect on the products I have reviewed this year, I realize that there have been some unique and noteworthy items so far. While nothing has truly wowed me yet, I remain hopeful that the remainder of the year will bring some exciting new products to the table.

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